Thursday, May 28, 2009

raw water sources


raw water is typically comes from rivers, lakes or man made water dam. from here it is pumped to the water treatment plant (after this will be only wtp). normally it will be a pump house with several numbers of pumps with various sizes, types and designed performances as needed by the particular wtp.
crucial parameters at this point are pH, turbidity, NH3,Al2,Fe3,Mn,color and TDS. it must be in a range of the MOH standard.any violation on these parameter might affect the end product.other than that, current water level must be within the range and also clear any debris on coarse screen that may reduce the performance of pumping operation. daily monitoring is the best way as this is also considered as one of the WSP control point.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

water supply system

a water supply network is a system of engineered hydrological and hydraulic components, including:
-water is collected from the river or lake
-it is then pumped through a pumping main to the water treatment plant where water will get treated
-the treated water is pumped up to the balancing reservoir ( elevated/ground)
-it will be distributed to the smaller service reservoirs and consumers.